Saturday, February 23, 2013


Depression may be defined as the state of extreme melancholy, where patients who exhibit this condition may develop severe apathy towards their environment. Their physical activity may lessen considerably and can even spend hours in any single posture. Till date, treatment was only done by routine prescription of antidepressants and psychotherapy. More severe cases were given electro-convulsive therapy.

Depression in adolescents is in many ways quite similar to that of adults. The DSM-IV manual also cites the criteria for depression in adults and adolescents to be same. Younger teenagers may not be able to express their feelings as the older ones and hence the symptoms of depression may be expressed as phobias, bodily complaints, behavior problems, or as separation anxieties. Teens suffering from psychotic depressions may report hallucinations.

Some common symptoms of teen depression may be the following: 

 Decline in academic achievements. 

 Behavioral problems in friendship. 

 Withdrawing from contact with family and other people. 

 Lack of enthusiasm and energy. Difficulty in self-motivation. 

 Unnecessary aggression, anger and rage. 

 Report of feelings of sadness and helplessness. 

 Over-reaction to criticism. 

 Feels incapable of living up to the parental expectations. 

 Lacks self-esteem and suffers from guilt. 

 Unable to concentrate or take decisions. 

 Feeling restless and agitated. 

 Changes in eating and sleeping habits. 

 Having suicidal thoughts or suicidal attempts.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery is the most effective weight-loss surgery for the morbidly obese. Lap banding and gastric bypass are the most common types of d weight loss surgeries with good results and minimal complications.

Obesity is one of the most common nutritional disorders in the world. A Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 and above defines it. BMI is calculated as weight (in kilograms)/height squared (in meters). 

Morbid obesity is regarded as a metabolic disease linked with numerous medical problems. The list of co-morbidities is long. The most prevailing problems are the combination of arthritis and degenerative joint disease, sleep apnea, asthma, hypertension, diabetes, and gastroesophageal disorders. 

Bariatric surgery (Etymology: Greek words "baros," meaning "weight," and "iatrikos," meaning "medicine") is the term for a surgery that helps you lose weight. It originated in the 1950s. The significant risks associated with this surgery prevent it from being used in every individual who is obese. The success of medical therapy for severe obesity is limited.

ue to the current high levels of obesity among people in US of all age groups, and the lack of success with non-surgical weight loss methods:

1. Bariatric surgery is now becoming a very important option for severely obese patients.

2.  It is estimated that approximately 170,000 bariatric operations were performed in the US in the year 2005.

The procedure was developed out of modifications on cancer/ulcer operations that involve the removal of a part of the stomach or small intestine. It was noticed that patients undergoing these operations lost weight afterwards, and the doctors developed the idea of using similar types of surgery to treat morbid obesity.

These surgical procedures are major gastrointestinal operations that work on the principles-

1. To bypass most of the stomach to reduce the amount of food one can eat.

2. To rearrange the small intestine so as to reduce the calories the bodies can absorb.

There are several different types of bariatric weight loss procedures, and they are collectively called as 'bariatric surgery.”

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Inaugural hernia

 Inaugural hernia

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis may be characteristic of the disease or may be generalized mimicking other types of arthritis like osteoarthritis, gout etc. The onset and development of symptoms is usually in a slow and progressive manner.

The initial symptoms are often felt in the small joints such as those of the fingers and toes. Larger joints like knees, wrists, shoulders or hips may also be the first to be affected.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis:

    One of the initial features of rheumatoid arthritis is stiffness of the joints and muscles around the joints.
    As the joint damage progresses there is pain. The pain often feels aching and dull. The typical feature of pain in rheumatoid arthritis affected joints is pain that is worse in the mornings after a night’s rest. Pain is also worse when resting rather than when working.
    Stiffness of the joints is another symptom. Stiffness of the muscles during the morning after waking up is seen in patients of rheumatoid arthritis as well as osteoarthritis. However, among patients with osteoarthritis the stiffness goes away after around half an hour of activity. For patients of rheumatoid arthritis the stiffness may last longer.
    The joints may become inflamed. This is characterized by warmth and redness of the joint. There is swelling over the joint along with redness. The joint feels hot and painful to touch.
    Over time the small joints that are affected by the disease may be damaged leading to permanent deformities. Deformities are caused due to erosion of bones that end in the joints, erosion of cartilages and rupture of the tendons around the joint. These deformities are characteristically seen in the hands and finger joints. For example, the thumb is deformed and deformed and this us called the Boutonniere deformity of the thumb. The tips of the finger appear curved and this is termed swan neck deformity etc.
    In patients of rheumatoid arthritis there may be presence of inflammations around the joint. These appear as swollen lesions called rheumatic nodules. These are usually painless, hard, oval or spherical masses that are common over pressure points such as the wrist, elbows, ankles etc.
    Rheumatoid nodules can also occur in the eyes or in other organs such as lungs. In lungs they may lead to complications like accumulation of fluids in and around the lungs.
    Another feature of rheumatoid arthritis is anemia or low red blood cell count. This is because there may be a deficiency of production of new red cells to make up for the lost ones. Platelet counts may also be altered.
    Some patients may suffer from (inflammation of the blood vessels or rheumatoid vasculitis. This complication may be life-threatening. It can lead to skin ulcerations that can get infected, stomach ulcer and nerve damage. Stomach ulcers can cause complications like bleeding or perforations and nerve pathologies may lead to pain, numbness or tingling sensations. Blood vessels of the brain and heart may also be involved causing stroke or heart attacks.
    In the heart there may be accumulation of fluid called pericarditis. The heart muscles may be inflamed leading to myocarditis. These conditions may lead to heart failure.
    Some persons may experience a sudden increase in symptoms and this is called a flare-up. Flare ups are usually difficult to predict and may occur more commonly in the morning after waking up.
    Rheumatoid arthritis overall has a severe impact on the quality of life. There is a severe impact on physical function, social and emotional well being as well as mental health. Other associated conditions with this condition include depression and anxiety.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Achondroplasia is a disorder of bone growth. Achondroplasia literally means "without cartilage formation". The problem in this condition is converting the cartilage into bones, particularly the long bones. Achondroplasia is a genetic (inherited) condition that results in abnormally short stature. All persons with achondroplasia are little people. The average height of an adult with achondroplasia is 131 cm (52 inches, or 4 foot 4) in males and 124 cm (49 inches, or 4 foot 1) in females
Achondroplasia is one of the oldest known birth defects. An average figure worldwide is approximately 1 in 25,000 births..